Free SIM Cards to help people get free access to mobile connectivity

We Are Digital is working in partnership with Vodafone to connect digitally excluded people get connected online. We will be providing SIM cards with 20GB data, plus free calls and texts every month for six months.

Half body shot of smiling young man and older woman

Getting everyone connected

We’ll be providing our clients and network with pre-loaded 20GB SIM cards to share with their customers.

Key facts:

  • FREE connectivity for 6 months – your residents can access 20GB of data plus unlimited calls and
    texts to the UK
  • SIM cards can be used in a sim enabled tablet, laptop, phone, dongle or MIFI
  • SIM cards activate as soon as your residents or a We Are Digital staff member puts them into a device
  • SIM cards will also be included in the Digital Support equipment provided by We Are Digital.
Old couple having video call with son and grandson
Woman on a sofa looking at her phone

How you can get involved

The limited-time offer can support people who may be digitally excluded to get access to free mobile connectivity, which we’ll ensure they get the support they need to get online and stay connected.

Eligible SIM card recipients can be people who are in need,  digitally excluded or on a low income.

To register your interest to receive FREE SIM cards to share with your customers, CLICK on the form link below.