FREE financial capability and debt advice service for L&Q residents
Email: pound@we-are-digital.co.uk // Phone: 0203 475 2221
Lines are open 9-5 Monday to Friday excluding Bank Holidays
For L&Q staff

Pound Advice is here to help you
Pound Advice can help you with your money worries, debt problems and benefits claims.
If you would like support, please call us direct on 0203 475 2221 - we’ll ask a few quick questions and make an appointment for you with a qualified adviser. Alternatively, you can use the contact form below and we'll get back to you.

About Pound Advice
Pound advice is a FREE money support programme for L&Q residents. We realise that money problems cause real worry and anxiety, and if you have got debts, it can be hard to know where to turn, but help is at hand.
When you contact us, we will make an appointment for you at your local Citizens Advice Bureau or one of our other approved money advice partners. Here, they will help you to deal with any debts and maximise your income, as well as give you hints and tips on how to make your money go further.
Pound advice is funded by L&Q and managed by We Are Group.
About L&Q
At L&Q we believe passionately that people's health, security and happiness depend on where they live.
We house around 250,000 people in more than 105,000 homes, primarily across London and the South East – but we’re more than just a registered charitable housing association.
Our vision is that everyone deserves a quality home that provides them with the opportunity to live a better life.
This echoes our purpose to provide homes and neighbourhoods everyone can be proud of. We will do this by delivering safe, high quality homes, services and support for all of our residents.

Here are stories of just some of the people we have helped, so far, get their finances back on track...
Mr F
Mr F had rent arrears of £445. He was receiving Universal Credit to cover the rent but there was a shortfall of £37 per week that he struggled to afford. He also had two adult children living with him who weren't working or studying, and he didn't realise that his council tax support was reduced as a result of having two adults aged over 18 living with him. We advised him to get his adult children to claim Universal Credit in their own right while they looked for work. This maximised the total household income. They would each get £251 each and be able to contribute to household expenditure, and it would reduce his council tax liability by £480 as the non-dependent deduction no longer applied once they were claiming UC and under 25.
Mrs W
Because her pension credit letters were delivered to the wrong address, Mrs W didn't realise she had to re-apply for pension credits when her circumstances changed, and as a result, they were stopped. She ended up in rent arrears. She also needed help with personal care because of her disability. We advised her to claim pension credits and attendance allowance and helped her do this. Both applications were successful and she is better off by £307.40 per week. She has a much-improved quality of life and she said she was grateful to Pound Advice for the assistance we gave her. Without Pound Advice she said she would not have been aware of the benefits she was entitled to.
Amanda Bernard
We realise that money problems can cause real worry and anxiety, and if you’ve got debts, it can be hard to know where to turn.
But help is at hand. Pound Advice, funded by L&Q and managed by We Are Digital, helps people manage their debts and manage their money better and access the support they need.
Meet Amanda Bernard; through the Pound Advice service, we provided the support she needed during a difficult time.
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Services we provide - eligibility criteria apply
1. Benefits
- Checking entitlement to benefits and help with applications
- Help with mandatory reconsiderations and challenging benefit decisions
- Help applying for backdated payments (if entitled to these)
- Help with Work Capability Assessments
2. Managing Debt
- Advice and support towards avoiding eviction or court action
- Help negotiating with creditors and advising on suitable strategies to deal with debts, such as working out affordable repayment plans
- Advice regarding insolvency options and Debt Relief Orders
3. Discounts and Grants
- Help applying for discounts on priority bills (gas, electric, water, council tax)
- Help applying for grants for household items or school uniforms - criteria apply
4. Budgeting
- Maximising income, hints and tips to make your money go further
- Saving money, reducing costs and unnecessary expenditure
Looking for a job?
The Employment Support team at L&Q helps hundreds of people into work.
If you, or someone from your household, are looking for a new job, please use this link to register online here.
One of the specialist advisors will then contact you and provide the support you need: from helping with your CV or how to prepare for job interviews to connecting you with local job opportunities.