Local Authorities

We work with Local Authorities to help empower communities with access, training and vocational skills in all things digital and online.

We offer digital support and learning that enables and fully equips local communities to thrive and interact with their local authorities in the evolving digital world. This could include, how to pay Council tax online, access council services and information by a touch of a button.

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The Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA)

“The GMCA gives local people more control over issues that affect their area”

GMCA is made up of the ten Greater Manchester councils and Mayor, who work with other local services, businesses, communities, and other partners to improve the city-region.

The London Borough of Tower Hamlets

“We Respect all communities, they are the heart of everything we do”

Tower Hamlets Council is situated in the East of London. Working together with local communities to support and improve the lives of those in the Borough.

Liverpool Combined Authority

“The Combined Authority is committed to creating a better future for the 1.6m people we serve.”

The Liverpool Combined Authority works closely together across our local authorities to improve communities in areas that have a real impact on our communities, such as transport, employment, culture, digital and housing.