Do you wish to legally end your marriage or civil partnership, or do you need to respond to a marriage petition online?
If you need digital support, we can help you fill out the application.
Find out more information below.

Can you get a divorce?
You can get divorced in England or Wales if you’ve been married for over a year, your relationship has permanently broken down and if your marriage is legally recognised in the UK (including same-sex marriage).
How to apply
To apply for a divorce you’ll need:
- yours and your husband or wife’s full name and address
- your original marriage certificate or a certified copy (and a certified translation if it’s not in English)
- proof of your name change if you’ve changed it since you got married - for example your marriage certificate or a deed poll
Making a joint application with your husband or wife
You can make a joint application if both of the following apply:
- you both agree that you should get a divorce
- you’re not at risk of domestic abuse
Applying for a divorce on your own
Make a sole application if either of the following apply:
- your husband or wife does not agree you should get a divorce
- you do not think your husband or wife will cooperate or respond to notifications from the court
There’s a £593 fee to apply for a divorce.
You can get help with courts and tribunal fees.
If you are getting a divorce and need support filling out the online form...
You CAN find Digital Support for filling out these forms online.
- You may not be able to confidently use a digital device.
- You may not be confident in filling out forms online independently.
- You may not have access to a device.
If any of these apply to you contact us!