Relieving Robert of his rent arrears through Pound Advice

August 30, 2024

Robert*, aged 74, lives with his wife in a 3-bedroom flat that they rent from L&Q.

Despite being retired and having consistent, albeit limited, income from their pensions, they found themselves in a challenging financial situation.

With mounting rent arrears totalling to £3198.30, along with their chronic health issues, life had become increasingly difficult for Robert and his wife; so much so that their circumstances had begun to affect their mental health.

Since Robert and his wife are L&Q residents, they were able to seek help from Pound Advice – a free and confidential money advice service designed to support L&Q residents and lease holders, delivered by We Are Group.

When Robert called through to Pound Advice, dedicated agents on the other end of the phone took immediate action to help the couple navigate their financial struggles. Our specialist agent booked Robert an appointment with a qualified financial advisor whose first task was to assess Robert’s financial situation. In Robert’s case, income maximisation was paramount to ensure the couple was receiving all the financial assistance they were entitled to.

Pound Advice Benefits Table

Pound Advice discovered that the couple were entitled to a Guarantee Pension Credit of £90.19 per week. The advisor helped them fill out an online application, successfully increasing their weekly income. They also discovered that the couple had not claimed Council Tax Reduction or Housing Benefit, so they assisted with applications for these benefits as well, securing an additional £28.94 and £136.73 per week, respectively.

Considering the couple's health issues, Pound Advice also assisted them with a claim for Attendance Allowance. With the help of Waltham Forest Age UK through referral, they successfully completed the application, adding £136.20 per week to their income.

Pound Advice's comprehensive assistance didn't stop there.

They advised the couple on a range of other financial support schemes such as Warm Home Discount, Thames Water WaterHelp Discount, Council Tax energy rebate, Cost of Living support, Energy Bills Support Scheme, Winter Fuel Payment and Discretionary Housing Payment, explaining how and where they could apply for these schemes.

Pound Advice made a huge impact on Robert’s life. Their advice and assistance meant Robert and his wife could pay off their rent arrears with the backdated payments, and their annual income increased significantly.

They gained an additional £20,387.12 per year, bringing financial stability and peace of mind.

Find out how our services could help improve the lives of your residents whilst reducing arrears: Services


*For anonymity, we have used a fake name and image.

We Are Group