Case Studies

Embracing new opportunities - read Daniel's story

Written by We Are Group | Jul 6, 2023 8:49:45 AM

Daniel, age 76 and from Gloucestershire, was referred by his local branch to the Digital Helpline provided by Lloyds Banking Group in partnership with We Are Digital. He had been struggling with using his devices and had no confidence in navigating the digital world. Daniel already had a device, but he wasn't sure how to use it to its full potential.

We Are Digital assigned Madeleine as Daniel's trainer, and she worked with him over two training sessions. Daniel's goal was to keep in touch with his friends and family using his tablet, as he found it difficult to do so without the convenience of technology. Madeleine recognised this and helped Daniel to set up an email account, which allowed him to send emails to his loved ones.

At first, Daniel struggled with using his tablet, but with Madeleine's help, his confidence started to grow. He was able to navigate the device more easily and began to understand how to use different apps.

“I feel more confident using the tablet now.”

As Daniel continued to work with Madeleine, he started to explore more of what the internet had to offer. He began to use search engines to look up information and found it fascinating to learn about different topics.

Daniel's world started to open up as he discovered the endless possibilities of the internet.

One of the most significant steps that Daniel took was starting to pay his bills and bank online. This was a new experience for him.

We Are Digital aims to make a positive impact on people's lives by providing them with the tools they need to succeed in the digital world. Daniel’s success story is one of many, and it shows that through patience, kindness, and support, we can help people to overcome their fears and embrace new opportunities.