The Social Return On Investment (SROI) Blog

WAD supports new London initiative

Written by We Are Group | Aug 10, 2022 3:21:03 PM

This week, our marketing campaign executive, Sofia and senior administrator, Vanisha attended Unlock Digital’s partner network event to address the digital skills divide in London and other regions. 

Unlock Digital is a new initiative created by Daniel Korski, a technology entrepreneur and CEO of technology services firm PUBLIC and Wol Kolade CBE, CEO of Livingbridge. The mission is to provide young people in London access to the experience, tools and resources to enhance their digital skills and so increase their chances of succeeding in life. 

This event discussed the implementation of Unlock Digital’s three-phases, which started with Phase 1, the launch of its digital skills map. The digital skills map is an online map which connects young Londoners to new and currently running digital opportunities to encourage young and diverse communities to get involved.

Sofia said: “The map is a great way for people to find opportunities near them and We Are Digital will do everything we can to support the initiative and to spread the word of the digital skills map. It’s great to be able to work together to create a social impact and tackle digital poverty with like-minded individuals and companies.”

Phase 2 of this initiative is where the project currently stands with the helping and distributing of technology to enable Londoners to enrol on these opportunities. The final phase, Phase 3 oversees the sustainability of keeping Londoners connected with the potential to expand.

Eddie Copeland, director of the London Office of Technology and Innovation (LOTI), was a guest speaker at the event and introduced #GetOnlineLondon, a movement with the aim of getting all Londoners online and able to access the support they need by 2025. The movement is supported by the partners who attended the event who will create sustainability to ensure that this is implemented and the goal is reached. 

“We cannot wait to be involved at the next networking event to implement phase 3.” Sofia added.